HighGirls and HighBoys:
Love from the Cats and the Rats—may you all be Sweller than the Pregnant Moon.
ANYWAY, some gossip I heard through The Chain Of Oḇ (see 1 Samuel XXVIII: 7 and Leviticus XIX: 31, if you can be bothered) now follow.
Watch and Pray, love david
I mentioned LastWeek that the HomAleph vinyl and CD reissues of these two albums, originally released in two very limited vinyl editions by Cashen’s Gap in 2020, are now available for pre-order from House Of Mythology. But I forgot to give the details of what the pressing comprise of. These are the first 2 in a series of 5 solo albums; hopefully I will finish them all before I die. Feel free to make a bet.
Each vinyl LP comes on transparent-marble vinyl with a printed insert on Japanese-style paper and a small card with the album’s cover on one side and the name of the album on the other side. David has signed each and every card. The inside of the album sleeve is also printed black.
The CD is housed in a Mini-LP-style sleeve, also has a printed insert on Japanese-style paper, and the inside of the CD sleeve is, again, printed black.
FONTELAUTUS CD can be pre-ordered → here.

Those interested in C93 will recognise the phrase Cashen’s Gap, which is the name of the house and the land that Gef haunted; one of the Cats my partner Ania and I are blessed to be ruled by is named Gef! (with the exclamation mark) after the Haunted and Haunting Mongoose Gef; another of our Cats is named Voirrey, after the fascinating young woman who is at the very centre and essence of the mystery.
I and Ania are huge admirers of the amazing artist Jim Woodring, who has recently become a friend of ours; we sent him a copy of the book, and he wrote to us “I have been dipping intermittently into GEF! and trying to decide how I feel about it. I cannot. It is about the strangest up-in-the-air thing I've read.” Jim’s comment perfectly sums up this book!
The collection brings together masterpieces by Algernon Blackwood, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Allan Poe, W.W. Jacobs, Mark Twain, and Sheridan Le Fanu, and has illuminating introductions to each story by authors from the excellent Repeater Family.
I was asked to give a sentence or two to be printed on the cover. So I described it as “A perfect collection of seminal supernatural tales, their crepuscular shadows lovingly illuminated by writers whose fascinating introductions throw surprises out like stars.”
Recommended AMEN by me AMEN, it can be obtained here.