I am WipedOut, WornOut, WorkedOut, and UnderMooned, so you will be delighted to know that I will keep this update brief.
We hope there will be another update next week, with more of my ArtWork added to our Shop, and other H.R. Pufnstuf.
My very dearest friend MICHAEL CASHMORE has an astonishing new album available to pre-order now. It is the first of a series of albums by the Brilliant Michael on the Brilliant House Of Mythology label. I am also OverMoon that I wrote the lyrics for the title track, at Michael’s request, and the Æonic and Astonishing ANOHNI sings them. St. Michael is a genius and utterly individual and brilliant. But then everyone knows that already. I love you, Michael!
Michael also write a brief text on his new album, which I attach:
“With every album I make I have always wished it to be my Greatest Work ever. Through this album The Night Has Rushed In I believe I have definitely achieved this aim. And I am Continuing in that Work. I have sought in this album and through this album to use Divine Audio Frequencies in Instinctive Mystical Ways Connected to All of the Sciences to try and reach a Higher State of Consciousness through Personal Transformation. I then Instinctively Alter these Frequencies to Transform them into some New Reality which in turn allows me to Transform my Consciousness. I was Searching for Divine Love The Sun and for Home—and I Found Them All. This Work is an ongoing Documentation of my Personal Transformation.
This Work was created Instinctively Chaotically Wildly without Direction or Control from applying Self-Taught Techniques to reach a Higher level of Consciousness. On the title track I was joined by my very Dear Friend David Tibet who wrote a Stunning Text which was sang so Beautifully and Powerfully by the Wonderful Anohni. They both Honoured me.
I made this album. I did not make this album.”
THE NIGHT HAS RUSHED IN LP is available for pre-order → here.
THE NIGHT HAS RUSHED IN CD is available for pre-order → here.
SENSATIONAL NEWS! I have painted my own version of An Old Friend. Call her TheBoneScreenEmpire or Some Imp Imperium… ANYWAY—these new C93 t-shirts, totes, and patches have been added to the Cashen's Gap Shop, and you can find full details there. These items are not available from us, but only at Cashen’s Gap.
You can also sign up for email updates at Cashen’s Gap → here.
It will be NiihilSurprise to any of you that the C93 Channellings in March 2021 NYC, and in April 2021 London, are (still) postponed, and we still don’t have the new days and dates for them. It will be NiihilSurprise to any of you that the C93 Channellings in March 2021 NYC, and in April 2021 London, are (still) postponed, and we still don’t have the new days and dates for them. These Channellings will definitely take place, and we are waiting, like everyone, for Flights to Fly and Embassies to Open, and Doors to UnClose… and OPEN!
Tickets for the postponed Channellings will be valid for the new dates! More News when we have… More News!
So soon, and thus later,
love david xxx