We are very sorry indeed to announce that we have had to change and move the date of our London Channelling on account of ParaMusical and Sidereal Messages received from the forthcoming C93 album, which we will be offering up—sometimes filled with vases, sometimes with machines—at the new June 7 Channelling.
The DateChange has also meant that some changes in WhoAreWeWhoAreUsPlayingThere have also occurred. The LineUp is now, (AlphaBetically): CURRENT 93, NURSE WITH WOUND, and OLCAY BAYIR. We are OverMoon that Olcay Bayir is still able to be there with us, and that our LovelyDear Sisters NURSE WITH WOUND are Channelling with us!
All tickets for the original Channelling on February 22 2020 will be valid, and accepted, for the June 7 2020 date.
I and we and C93 are of course aware that this may very well inconvenience those who have already booked their travels and hotels. I and we and C93 and all apologise to you for this. Everyone who booked a ticket for the February 22 concert will receive a personalised gift, either in person at the June 7 Channelling, for those who can attend that, or by mail for those will not be able to attend the June 7 Channelling. TicketHolders for the PostPoned February 22 date will be emailed around June 2020 as to how they will receive their gift. We hope this will in someway, in some ways, compensate for any disappointment or problems caused by this rescheduling, which was beyond our control.
For anyone who can sadly no longer attend the show and would like a refund please contact the vendor from whom you purchased your ticket and they will assist in issuing a full refund at your request.
Tickets are available for the June 7 2020 Channelling

As usual, there has been a slight delay in the posting of these items. All the covers of EDITION I have been painted, and all inserts signed, by me and are now with our shipping agent. We hope to start sending these out this coming week. But the covers and inserts of EDITION II are still being printed so, realistically, they won’t be sent out until the first half of January 2020. People who have ordered both EDITION I and EDITION II will have both editions posted to them at the same time—when EDITION II is ready.
There are 5 albums in this particular series of my solo albums; the black vinyl editions are limited to 111 copies, and the clear-lathe vinyl editions of the first two albums are limited to 59 copies. Once I become 60 in March 2020, the ClearLathe vinyl editions will be limited to 60 copies. We will be adding the first 2 albums, in both their editions, to our shop next week, on Tuesday 17 December.
All of these 5 solo albums will be reissued on vinyl by House of Mythology in Spring 2020, both as vinyl and as CD.

photo by Lauren Winton
I am OverMoon to announce that all my and our and your C93 albums are being reissued on House of Mythology in VERY expanded editions.
How this happened is how this happened as this: One day and night I was skipping along to one of our 3 ArchiveStorage Units with Our CATS. Our CATS then pointed me PawWise to a SHINY SHINING STAR… It was…TinkerBell!
So thus TinkerBell appeared, and with her MagicWand ILLUMINATED a MASS of GRAY/GREY shelving in our ArchiveStorageUnits. On shelves of that GRAY/GREY shelving were A HOST of MultiTrack tapes, and 1/4” masters, and ADATs, and DATs, and other formats of tapes whose names not only I, but G+D too, have forgotten.
So I called on my and our and your dear friends (AlphaBetically) José Pacheco, Lauren Winton, and Michael Lawrence. They came down and looked through the THE HOST of TAPES of WHATEVER FORMAT and took them all away. And then Michael Lawrence transferred them and ReMastered them, and Lauren Winton, his partner in Bladud Flies! photographed them all. And then they sent everything and all everything to Timothy Mark Lewis and Kristoffer Rygg of House of Mythology, and our colleague and friend Jake Gill of Mythology. They all were all, may I say, all as all OverMoon as I was and we were. They and I then sent the final remastered files to Lovely José Pacheco, who is our final authority on what we release, and in what form, and José kindly agreed to be the consultant curator on this project. José knows more about C93 than I do. I only listen to GlamRock and PlainChant and ProgRock.
There was soSoSO much unreleased material, much of which I had completely forgotten we had created. We are still going through the tapes but, for example, I had forgotten that there were at least another 10 or so alternate versions of “NiemandsWasser”, from SLEEP HAS HIS HOUSE—all of which are utterly and completely different to the versions that were released. I had forgotten, too, that there was an acoustic version—the first version!—of the song of and in and as C93’s collaboration with Thomas Ligotti, I HAVE A SPECIAL PLAN FOR THIS WORLD.
We will be releasing EveryThing.
The first two releases, on expanded 2LP and 2CD sets, will be HORSEY and SLEEP HAS HIS HOUSE. They will be released in Spring 2020, along with an expanded edition of I HAVE A SPECIAL PLAN FOR THIS WORLD, including all the versions we recorded of the song, as well as other material, and a 12"-only vinyl edition with some—or all—of the 10 versions of “NiemandsWasser” which I mentioned above.

Curated by our lovely friend Stephen Holman, Hive Gallery and he have hosted an exhibition titled PAGAN HOLIDAY. Amongst the many items displayed there are three paintings by me, and one by my partner, the Lovely Ania Goszczyńska. Two of mine are named “ChristMass For Children I” and “ChristMass For Children II”, and the third one is called “Bless This Red House Bless This Red Barn”. Ania’s painting is UnTitled.