david. 2020. Man Does Not Live By Aleph As BreadBoard ALONE.
Scribbles, Scrawls, And Signs: Norwegian Channellings IX
Aleph As Joy Creating The Spheres
These Flowers Arise As Faces
Antichrist As Triumphant Ghost
Antichrist As The Big Horn And The Little Horn Are One
The Sphere Is Given To Aleph As Birdsong
Eve Sees The Aleph As Anger
The Satanists Invoke The Mirror Emperor
Eve And Adam Dream Of God
The Great In The Small
Swept And Garnished XLVIII
Swept And Garnished LI
Swept And Garnished IV
Swept And Garnished VI
Horsey At Pasture I
Horsey At Pasture II
Swept And Garnished XXXVII
Swept And Garnished XXXVIII
The Great In The Small, Greek Theta (A3)