Photograph by Ania Goszczyńska
I am spending all my time working on, and reworking, and rerecording, and expanding, the ForthComing C93 album, as well as finishing the remaining 3 solo albums in the collection which began with FERELITH and FONTELAUTUS, and painting and drawing new paintings and drawings, as well as preparing a new collection of books to be published in association with Strange Attractor, and on my language studies. Please see below for a small paragraph about the books.
As a result of this, no C93 vinyl or CDs are currently available from my online store. Although some of my ArtWork still remains on the shop, it is not available to buy through the shop. IF someone is particularly interested in obtaining a painting or drawing that they see there, please email us at UrChariot@gmail.com with “DT PAINTING” in the subject header. The free downloads of 3 of the books that I published, and 1 Coptic academic paper that I wrote, are still available at www.davidtibet.com.
I also wanted to let people know that, for ecological reasons, we will be reusing packaging for sending out any “fabric” items, such as T-Shirts and ToteBags. So we will not be adding a packaging charge to the postage costs for any items made of fabric. It is as important to us as it is to you to recycle and reuse as much packaging material as we can.
We will however continue to use new packaging for sending out vinyl.
I am spending all my time working on, and reworking, and rerecording, and expanding, the ForthComing C93 album, as well as finishing the remaining 3 solo albums in the collection which began with FERELITH and FONTELAUTUS, and painting and drawing new paintings and drawings, as well as preparing a new collection of books to be published in association with Strange Attractor, and on my language studies. Please see below for a small paragraph about the books.
As a result of this, no C93 vinyl or CDs are currently available from my online store. Although some of my ArtWork still remains on the shop, it is not available to buy through the shop. IF someone is particularly interested in obtaining a painting or drawing that they see there, please email us at UrChariot@gmail.com with “DT PAINTING” in the subject header. The free downloads of 3 of the books that I published, and 1 Coptic academic paper that I wrote, are still available at www.davidtibet.com.
I also wanted to let people know that, for ecological reasons, we will be reusing packaging for sending out any “fabric” items, such as T-Shirts and ToteBags. So we will not be adding a packaging charge to the postage costs for any items made of fabric. It is as important to us as it is to you to recycle and reuse as much packaging material as we can.
We will however continue to use new packaging for sending out vinyl.

My partner Ania Goszczyńska has launched a new website, CASHEN’S GAP, which will be making available new and old work from myself and Ania and C93 and others. it will run in SiderealParallel with my main website.
The first items to be available from CASHEN’S GAP are a new ScreenPrinted C93 T-Shirt, and a C93 ToteBag, both in small signed editions.
Also available from CASHEN’S GAP in December will be the new C93 12” single, in three different and elaborate ScreenPrinted editions.
One-offs and oddities and rarities that Ania and I find as we continue to go through the C93 archives—as well as items that she and I decide we no longer want—will also be added to the CASHEN’S GAP shop. These items will include the remaining examples of LongSoldOut C93 T-Shirts and ToteBags, including some prototypes which were never offered for sale—of the vast majority of these we have just 1 or 2 copies left.
We will also be listing other scarce and LongLost DT & C93 items, which will be added to CASHEN’S GAP as we find them; we will send out updates, of course, every time we find something to add to the shop.
We hope to make the new T-Shirts and ToteBags available later this week, so please keep your eye on our website CASHEN’S GAP and our Instagram if you wish.
As you may have guessed, it is time for me to start scattering out things I have done and things I have owned. Anyway—it’s Time—only Time.
Thank you to dear Jake Gill of House Of Mythology for making these 2 short films on FERELITH and FONTELAUTUS, in advance of the HomAleph vinyl and CD reissues in December 2020 in association with House Of Mythology.
+ FERELITH is here
I have been working on a new project with Ania, as well as Jamie and Mark, the heads of Strange Attractor, that we call by its initials A.T.A.F.L.
In brief, as I enter my Seventh Decade, I am determined to realise as many of the ideas that mean so much to me as I can, before I enter my Long Home (Ecclesiastes (QŌHELEṮ) XII: 5). In brief, I have made a list of the 20 (or so) generally unknown or generally unrecognised novels, idiosyncratic autobiographies, and unnerving tracts that have most influenced my work and me. These are all works which are not widely known, and all of them are obscure, sought-after, rare, and in some cases horribly expensive.
We aim to start publishing these next year—the first 4 volumes are already well-advanced—and they will serve as a Sidereal Parallel to my two volumes of Anthologies, THE MOONS AT YOUR DOOR and THERE IS A GRAVEYARD THAT DWELLS IN MAN.
More news as new news arrives.
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, the venue at which we are playing has postponed all events happening there—see their statement here.
Our London Channelling WILL still be happening—but we haven’t yet been given a date for it. We are assuming it will now be happening around the same time at which we believe our NYC PickNick will happen, in September 22; yet again, we are awaiting confirmation of the NYC dates from the promoters.

My friend Seth Sanders has, along with my friend Ola Wikander, been reading Biblical Hebrew and Ugaritic texts, in their original languages, with me for quite some time now. Any little ability I have in these two languages—and my ability is small, I assure you—is purely down to these two extraordinary teachers. I have been equally blessed to be reading Akkadian—Babylonian and Assyrian—texts with another friend, Martin Worthington. As far as studying these three Semitic languages goes, I have been very lucky and very blessed to be in THE BEST HANDS of THE BEST TEACHERS!
ANYWAY: I was, am, and will always be, OverMoon to have been asked by Seth to Spell the logo for an excellent new open-access journal—Metatron—in which he is deeply involved. Describing itself as a “journal of modern philology and the ancient imagination offering new vistas on the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East”, Metatron is an initiative of the wonderful BRANE, which I also highly recommend. I really feel that Metatron is an indispensable source of information, and discussion, on this huge, fascinating, and vital area of study and research. The first two issues of Metatron are to be as follows:
Volume 1: Ancient Hebrew Literature Beyond “The Bible”
Issue 1 (Winter 2020): Towards a New Map of Second Temple Literature: Revelation, Rewriting, and Genre Before the Bible.
Issue 2 (Spring 2021) What is Scripture? Are canonical texts inevitable, or can our relationship with sacred writing form multiple patterns?
Issue 1 (Winter 2020): Towards a New Map of Second Temple Literature: Revelation, Rewriting, and Genre Before the Bible.
Issue 2 (Spring 2021) What is Scripture? Are canonical texts inevitable, or can our relationship with sacred writing form multiple patterns?

As some of you may know, I am a big fan of Adam Cole’s work with his lovely Trappist AfterLand. His, and their, new album is the exquisite and mournful SeaSide Ghost Tales; I absolutely LOVE it. The album has been released as a double LP in a GateFold sleeve, and digipak CD, and as a download through SunStone Records. The LP is limited to 200 copies, and the CD to 50 copies. At the time of my writing this, there are 35 copies of the 2LP left, and 20 copies of the CD left. It can be obtained here.
As some of you may know, I am a big fan of Adam Cole’s work with his lovely Trappist AfterLand. His, and their, new album is the exquisite and mournful SeaSide Ghost Tales; I absolutely LOVE it. The album has been released as a double LP in a GateFold sleeve, and digipak CD, and as a download through SunStone Records. The LP is limited to 200 copies, and the CD to 50 copies. At the time of my writing this, there are 35 copies of the 2LP left, and 20 copies of the CD left. It can be obtained here.
All Love David+++ xxx